Making the decision to fundraise for a charity is an incredible thing to do, and we’re so grateful to every one of our supporters who chooses to raise funds for us.

However, we understand that for some people, there are several causes close to their heart – and they may wish to split the funds they raise between two or more charities.

Right now, kind-hearted people right across the world are doing all they can to support those in Ukraine and it may be that you’d like to focus your efforts there, while continuing to support us.

A simple way of doing that would be to set up a fundraiser for us, like you normally would, but also run a collection alongside it – encouraging people to donate items to help those in Ukraine. You can find some of the most-needed items by searching on individual charities’ pages online. Doing this means you would not need to set up a ‘split fundraising page’, as the collection would run independently.

However, if you would prefer to split the money raised, that’s where People’s Fundraising comes in.

While there are several fundraising pages we’d recommend to you when it comes to organising your challenge or event – including JustGiving and Facebook Fundraising – People’s Fundraising is the only one that will let you raise money for more than one cause on one page.

The platform allows you to be completely in control of the percentage split between causes and will automatically donate the funds you raise to each charity you’ve chosen once you’re done.

The platform has simple set-up instructions, but here are a few pointers to get you started:

Remember you’ll need to state that you’re doing this on behalf of a charity, not an individual (this is important, as only charities can claim Gift Aid).

If you are struggling with the set-up, or need any guidance at all, get in touch with your local fundraiser who can help:

Meet your fundraiser

You can find more information in our Fundraising Guide here:

Fundraising Guide

Remember to let us know how you get on with your fundraising event or challenge on MyFFC. Register today and join one of our Groups to share ideas and memories with like-minded others.

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